Say NO and Mean It (Without Being Mean!)

a step-by-step guide to creating compassion and confidence in your caregiving conversations

Course Summary

In this virtual workshop, I will guide you through my step-by-step process so that you can:

  • have the conversations you need
  • set the boundaries you want
  • care for yourself without feeling like you are failing at caregiving (or life!)

Course Curriculum

Jeanette Yates

I am a lifelong caregiver, and I know what it’s like to have my needs put on the back burner because someone else always needs more. As a wife, mom, and primary caregiver for my mom, I used to get through my days barely scraping by on energy, getting to the end of each day with so much left to do, so much left undone, and so much guilt about it all.

It took me years to figure out the balance between caring for myself and caring for others and finally feeling connected to myself and the life I had been longing for. This is what it means to be a “self-caregiver”!

With the right tools, you can be a self-caregiver too!


Workshop Attendee

I found this workshop very helpful because not only were practical solutions offered, options were suggested that I had not considered to that point. I also found it helpful to get actual examples of vocabulary and dialogue I could incorporate into my conversations going forward.

Course Pricing

Virtual Worskhop

$27 USD

  • Saying No (Setting Boundaries)

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