Empowering Your Journey through BOUNDARIES

Break free from caregiver burnout with boundary-setting (and maintaining!)

Course Summary

As caregivers, advocating for ourselves is essential yet often overlooked. This module's workbook is designed to provide you with the strategies and confidence needed to become your best advocate. Through exercises, reflections, and action plans, you'll learn how to easily say' no', protect your energy, and effectively communicate your needs.

Course Curriculum

Jeanette Yates

I am a lifelong caregiver, and I know what it’s like to have my needs put on the back burner because someone else always needs more. As a wife, mom, and primary caregiver for my mom, I used to get through my days barely scraping by on energy, getting to the end of each day with so much left to do, so much left undone, and so much guilt about it all.

It took me years to figure out the balance between caring for myself and caring for others and finally feeling connected to myself and the life I had been longing for. This is what it means to be a “self-caregiver”!

With the right tools, you can be a self-caregiver too!

Course Pricing

Empowering Your Journey through BOUNDARIES

$397 USD

  • On-demand course to help you discover how self-advocacy & boundaries can help you in caregiving and life.

    • on-demand access to this course so that you can learn on your own time
    • downloadable workbook to keep track of your action steps and progress
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